About Me

Avraham Gavrielov, CM

A to Z Circumcision Services of Phoenix, AZ.

I perform baby circumcisions, including aftercare visits, exclusively in the privacy of your home.  Clinical Data, Parental Testimony, and Medical Opinion, all acknowledge and agree that, when performed by an Authorized Mohel or Circumcision professional, the home is the best and safest environment for the circumcision procedure.

My Background

— Authorized Mohel (circumcision professional)

First and foremost, congratulations on the birth of your new son!

Arranging your baby boy’s circumcision here in Arizona , without using the ring or plastibell, can prove difficult. I am a qualified expert Mohel (Rabbi who specializes in circumcision), who can offer you this service to be performed anywhere in Arizona in the comfort of your own home.

I have been practicing for the local community and I specialize with babies up-to 1 year old. The method I use is by far the best procedure with which to circumcise your baby. I do not involve the use of the plastibell or rings etc. The method I use is known as the traditional method, also sometimes known as the Jewish method.

The foreskin is the hollow sleeve of skin at the end of the penis which covers the glans and corona. It is very similar to the ear lobe in that it is hollow. I isolate this skin away from the penis below it, and safely and quickly remove it in a matter of seconds. Once your baby is picked up and cuddled he is back to his normal self. I will give you full aftercare instructions, both verbally and printed afterwards.

A circumcision is a delicate procedure and you should only entrust this to someone who is highly skilled and proficient in this procedure.
* Extremely Quick
* Clean
* No Rings
* No Plastibell
* No Ligatures
* Home visits
* 24hr Aftercare Helpline Scheduling

Historical Background

The first Jew to be circumcised at 8 days of age was Avraham and Sarah’s son, Yitzchak (Isaac). Even though he was the first person in the history of the world to be circumcised at such a young age, Avraham performed Yitzchak’s Brit (circumcision) with great joy. Since that time, we continue to associate Brit with happiness and joy. The Torah teaches that Avraham and Sarah made a festive party to commemorate Yitchak’s Brit, just as we do today!

By celebrating your son’s Brit, you are perpetuating one of the oldest and most meaningful traditions of our Jewish faith. Brit Milah means “covenant of circumcision”. The custom started almost 4,000 years ago, when G-d commanded Avraham, the first Jew, to circumcise himself, as a symbol of the covenant between G-d and B’nei Yisrael, the Children of Israel. Avraham circumcised himself when he was 99 years old. G-d made it an everlasting Mitzvah (commandment) for every Jewish father to see to it that each of his male children born of a Jewish mother is circumcised at 8 days of age. If he is not competent to perform the procedure himself, he can appoint an Authorized Mohel as his agent.

Get In Touch

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(602) 500-6616




Sun - Thu: 24 hours
Fri: 9am - 1pm